Monday, June 9, 2008

Racing and Recovery

I just finished my 5th race in 6 weeks. 2 Half Ironmans, 2 Sprints, and 1 Olympic, not in that order. I've had quite a few people comment on the consistency that I've been able to achieve from race to race. I've also had some ask how I recover week after week, without falling apart. So, below is my philosophy on racing often and racing well. Maybe more like some random thoughts that I threw together on this blog.

Let me start by saying I am not the most experienced on this topic. I'm just sharing my experiences from 2 1/2 seasons of racing, I'd get the advice from a coach, which is what I do!! Also, take note that I have not finished any better than 2nd in all of these races. Granted I finished no worse than 3rd, so I have shown consistency. I'm just letting you know I feel I am having a good year, but could be better : )

Recovery is very individual. Each body respods differently to stress, both physical and mental. I have not mastered recovery, but I have learned a lot this year. My body responds better to active recovery. A steady swim and an easy bike ride helps my body recover from a race better than just rest. Nothing too hard, but just hard enough to flush the body and get the heart rate up. But...sometimes my body needs to just kick up the feet and do nothing. This was the case before last weekends Olympic distance race.

This is the first year (out of 3 seasons) that I have been able to race week after week, and be content with my results. In prior years I have been very inconsistent. I'd have a terrible race followed by a great race, and vice versa. Last year was a dissapointing race season all together as I was not able to reach any of my goals. So, what's different?? One big thing!!! Not determination, not desire, not the will to perform, not diet. One word...CONDITIONING. Plain and simple, I'm in better shape this year. I started this season in the best shape of my life. Last winter, I approached Jamie Church to help me with my training for the '08 season. Working with a coach has been the biggest factor in my results this year. Jamie takes all the work out of planning my training schedule. I've read most every tri-related training book written, but I still struggled to write a good training schedule that I would stick to. Now all my efforts can be directed in the workouts, as Jamie keeps me challenged. Honestly, my training hours are not that much different, but my training is now on point. I'm stressing the body when I need, and as often as I need.

So, back to recovery...for me the biggest factor in recovery is conditioning. You simply can't race well week to week and not be in great shape. So, I believe what you do before the races will have a bigger impact on your recovery than what you do after the races. Not to disregard what you do after the race, but I think it takes a distant second to your conditioning leading up to the race. But let's now talk about post race nutrition is very important. I'm not super strict on my diet. I enjoy cookies, ice cream, burgers, and all the like. I am however very strict with "nutrient timing". Eat what your body needs when it needs it. High GI carbs with a 4:1 carb:protein ratio immediately following a hard workout and race. Eat "clean/healthy foods" for a few hours following a hard workout and race. Beyond that I'm pretty loose with my diet. I really like to snack, french fries is my favorite food followed closely by pizza. I also like to have a glass or two of red wine, or a beer or three.

So, my recovery plans are relatively simple. Listen to my body and don't go too hard between races, but go hard enough to keep the body alive and fresh. I consult with Jamie a day or two following a race to get his feedback as well. I tell him how I feel, and he translates that into what I specifically need to do leading up to the next race.

Take care, looking forward to the rest of the season.

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